Topping hurts trees! We specialize in tree pruning techniques that are vital for maintaining or improving the health, appearance, and safety of your trees.
Trees are precious and an important part of our world, but they can also be dangerous liabilities. Our tree professionals are trained to safely remove the tree and grind the stump.
Ready to plan tree placement for your home? Want to know if your trees are healthy or have a pest infestation? We are happy to do a consultation and answer all your tree care questions.
Yes we are. We have experience removing the largest trees that grow in our area - cottonwoods in the valleys and pines in the mountains. When advisable, we team up with an experienced crane operator to dismantle large or hazardous trees safely and efficiently.
Yes, our profession has inherent risks. We therefore maintain business liability with USF Insurance with limits of $1,000,000 per incident and $2,000,000 aggregate per year.
Yes, we have several ISA Certified Arborists on our team.
Yes, we accept all major credit cards. We also happily accept cash or check sent to
PO Box 2885
Carson City, NV 89702
For intense training in horticulture, it's hard to beat the Master Gardner program offered through University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Service. Excellent courses in tree care and arboriculture are also offered annually through the Nevada Shade Tree Council, and the Nevada Landscape Association.
We recycle them of course! After running limbs through our chipper, we have created material that can be used as organic mulch when placed in planting beds. Please contact us for wood chip availability and delivery.